Medical Oxygen Cylinder and Concentrator

MOCC specialises in the sale and rental of various oxygen cylinders and concentrators


Sales of homecare/ hospital respiratory products

These include oxygen conctrators, oxygent cylinders with relevant parts, oximeters, BP’s, spirometers, nebulizers, etc.

Rental of oxygen machines

We rent medical grade oxygen concentrators.

Rental and refill of medical oxygen cylinders

Get in touch and we will refill your medical oxygen cylinders.

Sales of homecare/ hospital respiratory products

These include oxygen conctrators, oxygent cylinders with relevant parts, oximeters, BP’s, spirometers, nebulizers, etc.

Rental of oxygen machines

We rent medical grade oxygen concentrators.

Rental and refill of medical oxygen cylinders

Get in touch and we will refill your medical oxygen cylinders.

View products


Enquire about refills

About MOCC

Since Covid 19, oxygen therapy has become common knowledge to the public because of the increased demand of medical oxygen (with purity of at least 90%) which is mainly stored in medical cylinders and also generated by certain medical grade machines also known as oxygen concentrators. Besides, medical devices such as oximeters, Bp meters, spirometers to say but a few have been resounding also in the public domain that they are no longer concepts often used by medical practitioners but also by the public who may freely use them to start monitoring their health conditions to some extent.

Whether a person is apparently enjoying their good health, is an outpatient, or even recovering at home, he/she needs to acquire some key devices, especially as recommended by a medical practitioner for their self monitoring or survival.

Hence, we have ever since shifted our focus onto the ONLINE SALES of such products and, interestingly, onto providing relevant services, mainly the RENTAL OF OXYGEN CONCENTRATORS and the REFILL OF MEDICAL CYLINDERS at affordable prices.

Clinics, hospitals, old age homes, schools, EMS services and individuals may benefit from our services by placing their orders online. Our relevant extensive products range may constitute a one stop online shop for all their need.

What makes us better?

  • We save you time by arranging collection of your empty cylinder(s) and also delivery thereof after refill ; customers do not have to optionally drive in order to drop off and collect their cylinder(s).
  • Our extended work hours.
  • Competitive and affordable prices.
  • For concentrator rental, we offer a Rent-to-Buy option on selected concentrator machines to give customers peace of mind by not to stretching out customers pockets; besides , our combo rental deal which features a rental of both a concentrator and a cylinder at cost makes our rental service more affordable.
  • Special discount apply to bulk buyers( old age homes, clinics etc..).
  • In case of an emergency, we can swop your empty cylinder for a pre-filled cylinder so that you do not have to wait for your cylinder to be refilled.



Oxygen machine rental

Refill of oxygen cylinders

Contact us

Call us

(+27) 64 009 3535

Trading Hours

Mon to Fri: 8am – 6pm
Sat: 9am – 5pm
Sun & Public Holidays: 3:30pm – 6pm (Prebook via WhatsApp at least 2 hours prior) 

Frequently asked questions

1) I am from outside Gauteng, can I rent an oxygen machine or an oxygen cylinder?

No unfortunately; Rentals of oxygen concentrators and oxygen cylinders apply only to people who reside in Gauteng. However, a customer with good record who has already rented with us may rent on behalf of his/her relative who is outside Gauteng. Nonetheless, we reserve the right not to render service to certain areas.

2) What do I need to rent a cylinder?

Simply request a quotation by filling in the online Rental Form (specify product category: Oxygen cylinder). Once received, we will send you a quotation together with a one page consent form.

Complete and sign the consent form (RENTCYL Form).

Pay the required amount which reflects on the quote and mail all the documents (completed Rentcyl form and proof of payment) back to us.

We will deliver within 24 hours.

Alternatively, just let us know via email what you want.

3) What do I need to rent an oxygen machine?

First, we recommend that you read thoroughly the rest of the FAQ’s in order to get to know the relevant general information.

Second, Simply request a quotation by filling in the online OCRF Rental Form (specify product category: Home-based, Portable etc.).

Third, once we have received your request, a quotation will be sent to you via email.

Fourth, pay the amount that reflects on the quotation; after your payment has cleared into our account, a copy of the Lease Agreement will be sent to you; Complete, sign the Lease agreement (RENTCON) and attach a copy of your Id. We will deliver within 24 hours. Please, feel free to raise further queries if you have.

4) Can I rent both a cylinder and an oxygen machine?

Yes, you can. Fill in both online forms and follow the same steps as described above.

The good news is, we offer a special price for the combo package machine plus cylinder Rental.

5) How much it cost to rent a medical cylinder?

R300 per month for a D-size (knee high or 3L -3.3L) excluding delivery.

R400 per month for an F-size (heap high or 8L) excluding delivery.

Kindly note the tariffs apply to aluminum cylinder with density of about 4Kg(empty) per 8L water capacity. The heavier the cylinder, the more you will pay.

Also note, the price is subject to change without prior notice.

6) How much does it cost to rent an oxygen machine?

From R1,350; it is cost effective to request a combo package rental meaning the rental of both a concentrator and a cylinder for a back up during load shedding. The combo price is R1,650 with one free cylinder refill every first of the month (to be done by latest the third of every month) valued at overR400. Besides, we also offer a Rent-to-Buy with flexible monthly payments for a maximum period of 13 months. It’s preferable to request a quotation as customer’s location is also a factor.

7) Can I rent a cylinder for prevention?

Yes, you can. You simply have to pay the required premium whether or not you utilize the oxygen (R300 for D-size or R400 for F-size) excluding delivery.

Nonetheless, it is recommended that someone should consult with a medical doctor before he/she makes such decision.

8) I am using more and more oxygen and realize that it is costing me a bit too much; what can I do?

You can upgrade to an oxygen machine in case you have rented a cylinder with us or else, you can consider buying one. But we first recommend that you discuss with your medical practitioner.

9) I have purchased /rented a cylinder or an oxygen machine for spare use; how do I know when I need to use it?

Usually, the shortness of breath that you feel may be an indication. You may then consider buying an oximeter to monitor your oxygen level. We sell oximeters for home use and for clinical use (constant monitoring). Nonetheless, we always recommend that you discuss with your medical practitioner before making any decision.

10) I experience shortness of breath, do I necessarily need an oxygen machine or cylinder?

I do not know. Only a medical practitioner may establish whether or not you need oxygen therapy. So, please consult with a medical practitioner before requesting an oxygen machine or cylinder.

11) I do not understand, my cylinder has suddenly lost oxygen, but it was full.

Unfortunately there is no reimbursement for the loss of oxygen for whichever cause including customer’s erroneous maneuver. Nonetheless, the regulator may be assessed in order to ultimately establish that you should pay for another refill.

12) How long does an oxygen cylinder last?

This depends on the cylinder capacity, its weight and also the oxygen flow that you use. For instance, an 8L water capacity aluminum cylinder full of oxygen will be emptied after about 10 hours and half of continuous use at a flow of 2L/MN. But the same cylinder will be emptied after about 21 hours continuous use at a flow of 1L/MN . it will last much longer when oxygen is used sparingly at relatively low flow rates.

13) How often must I refill a rented cylinder?

There is no restriction, You may request cylinder refill as many times as you need, but you will have to pay same amount for every refill.

Remember, it is compulsory to request refill at least once every month to avoid paying by the third of every month the mandatory premium indicated on your RENTCYL form which you must complete.

14) What if my oxygen runs out before month end or the 3rd of next month?

You will pay same amount for refill.

15) I have already requested refill during the month and still do have enough oxygen, must I always pay the premium?

Not at all. Once you have requested refill during a month, the payment of premium is no longer mandatory.

16) What is the minimum lease period to rent a medical cylinder?

There is no lease with the rental of a medical cylinder. When you no longer need it, simply inform us via email / whatsup message by latest the 25th (at least 5 days before month end) to avoid paying the next premium. We will arrange collection of the cylinder within days and will refund your deposit as per the Terms and conditions set on the quote.

17) I have rented a cylinder / an oxygen machine for prevention only and have not used it during the whole month. Must I still pay?

Yes, you must still pay your premium. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the rental service. The vendor will be forced to retrieve the cylinder/oxygen machine. Under such circumstance the customer will also lose their deposit if he/she has rented an oxygen machine. If the customer has rented a cylinder, it is recommended to notify by latest the 25th to avoid paying the premium and losing the deposit.

18) I have rented an oxygen machine, but it is malfunctioning –Will I get a replacement?

Yes, the machine will be collected form the customer’s place for evaluation and repair and will be returned as soon as possible. We recommend customers to raise their concern as immediately as possible in order for us to be able to provide a temporary back up concentrator timeously. We also We recommend customers to send a photo or snap shot of the machine LCD displaying run time in order to keep us updated with the functioning of the machine.

It is important to know that most of our machines delivered to customers are either brand new or have a very low run time which makes the odds of breaking down extremely difficult (as they are all medical grade machines). Moreover, because we care for our customers, our concentrator machines are carefully checked and if necessary serviced before being delivered to the next customer.

19) For how long must I be under oxygen?

I do not know; discus with your medical practitioner.

20) Can I take the rented machine to a different place during holidays or other occasion?

Yes, you can. Before you do, discuss with us first about your holiday duration.

21) For how long must I pay the premiums with your Rent-to-Buy oxygen concentrator?

12 months.

22) How much must I pay monthly for a Rent-to-Buy oxygen machine?

Request a quote. This option includes a free refill of an F-size cylinder back up once every month.

23) Will the concentrator machine become my own property after 12 months?

Yes, if you have not skipped any payment.

24) Is there any interest if I fail to pay by the third of a month?

No interest at all; However, the due amount is to be paid by the 10th of the month, failure of which will terminate the lease and we will be forced to retrieve the machine without any negotiation whatsoever. Under such circumstance, the customer will also lose their deposit.

25) Do you refill all medical cylinders?

Only privately owned medical cylinders; for instance Afrox cylinders will not be considered for refill, swop whatsoever.

26) I would like to purchase some item(s) that I have seen on your site, can I come over to view before paying for it?

Not necessarily. We are an online store; after your online request, a formal proforma invoice /quote will be sent to your email together with the product(s) specifications and image(s). You may expect to receive the same product(s) within a lead time of 1-4 working days from the day your payment reflects onto our account. When necessary, to our sole discretion, our physical address may be indicated onto your proforma / quote for order discussion.

27) Can I return the item if I am not happy?

There is absolutely no return on item(s) correctly supplied. Nonetheless, if an item is faulty, you must return it for a replacement.

28) My order is urgent, can I receive it the same day?

It depends on the item(s) you need and on your location; some items are immediately available.

29) I have an emergency, can I bring my cylinder for swop?

Yes; first send a clear photo of your cylinder via WhatsApp to enquire whether a swop is feasible. I will establish if there is an available cylinder that looks in more or less the same condition for swop and will advise accordingly.

30) I would like to swop for now only because I have an emergency, but I would like my cylinder back.

On the OCRR Form (Oxygen Cylinder Refill Request), select “Swop and Swop Back”. Remember, first the swop back is to be done strictly within 30 days from the day of Swop. Failure to adhere will result in relinquishing your cylinder for the vendor’s purpose (you will never get it back).

31) I have an emergency, I need to rent an oxygen machine urgently; can I come over to you?

Yes, if you have already rented with us. -No, if it is your first time. In the latter case, follow the steps on question number 3.

32) I have requested cylinder refill and realize that I do not need oxygen any more. Can I be refunded?

Unfortunately, the oxygen in your cylinder my not be transferred into another cylinder (vendor’s cylinder); as a result, you will have to pay for before you collect your cylinder.

33) I have swopped my cylinder, used oxygen and need to swop back to retrieve my cylinder empty because I no longer need oxygen. Is it possible?

Yes, only if you made prior arrangement not to refill your cylinder; otherwise, you will have to pay on Swop back (for the oxygen filled in your cylinder).

34) Where must we I bring my cylinder if I need to swop?

Just complete the online form (OCRR for the cylinder rental/ refill or OCRF for the oxygen machine rental), a quotation will be sent and the address where you will swop will be indicated thereon.

35) I urgently need to rent a machine, can’t Í come over to you to sign and collect?

Yes, only if you have already rented with us. No, if, this is your first time; simply follow the steps in Q3) A3).

36) Must I buy/ rent a cylinder? or a machine?

What has your medical practitioner recommended?- in case you have not discussed the matter as yet, try to find out the following:

  • What s the oxygen flow that you recommend?
  • What s the approximate duration of use in 24 hours?

After providing us with this information, described as the oxygen prescription (from your medical practitioner), we will advise accordingly.